“Vaccine for gay people” and super sensitive data: when privacy can fight the stigma
English Translation of Gianclaudio Malgieri, “Vaccino per i gay” e dati super-sensibili: quando la privacy può combattere lo stigma, La Repubblica, 10 August 2022,...
Malgieri on “La Repubblica” in reply to the Editor : “the term “racial” in the GDPR has no racist intentions”
On August the 1st, a short editorial by Gianclaudio Malgieri has been published on "La Repubblica", second main newspaper in Italy. The Editor, two days before, had blamed the GDPR for using a "racist" terminology (Article 9 refers to "racial origins" when mentioning...
Malgieri & Ienca on European Law Blog: “The EU regulates AI but forgets to protect our mind”
European Law Blog has recently published an article by Gianclaudio Malgieri and Marcello Ienca, with the title "The EU regulates AI but forgets to protect our mind". Below the article. After the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on...
Malgieri sur Le Monde: “Ombres et lumières de la proposition de l’UE visant à réglementer l’IA”
"Le juriste Gianclaudio Malgieri salue, dans une tribune au « Monde », l’initiative de la Commission européenne de vouloir mieux réglementer les usages de l’IA, mais il craint la mise en place d’un système contenant de nombreuses rigidités, lacunes et questions...
Cookies in the EU: Story of a millionaire sanction (CNIL v Google/Amazon) and the urgency of a reform
The CNIL proceeds firmly its legal fight against cookie walls, by shooting two meaningful bullets against two giants of big tech (Google and Amazon). On 7 December 2020, the CNIL has indeed imposed 100 million euros sanctions to Goole (Google LLC and Google Ireland...
“Just” Algorithms: AI Justification (beyond explanation) in the GDPR
The regulation of automated decision-making (hereinafter: ADM) in the GDPR is a topic of vivid discussion. If the first commentators focused mostly on the existence of a right to an explanation in the body of the Regulation, the following discussion has focused more...
The EU regulation on AI? The Common Statement of EDHEC Augmented Law Institute
This is a common statement of the Augmented Law Institute of EDHEC Business School – the official version delivered to the European Commission can be found here:...
The Italian COVID-19 Exposure Alert App: history and legal issues of “Immuni”, by Gianclaudio Malgieri
This paper is part of the e-conference on « Data protection Issues and Covid-19: Comparative Perspectives » which consist in a daily publication at 12 p.m. (GMT+1) except on Sundays until the Summer break. Italy was the first Western country...
Book Review of “Law for Computer Scientists and Other Folk” (Hildebrandt, 2020)
The official version of this Book Review was published on European Data Protection Law, issue 4, 2019, pp. 583-585 (please cite only the official version).The mission of this volume is clear and brave: teaching (relevant) law to computer scientists “and Other Folk”....