On March 27th, the Brussels Privacy Hub organised an online event titled “Will “Noyb v. META” change the Internet business model?”. The panel addressed the Noyb v. META ruling of the Irish DPC, which highlighted how a contractual model in which the user signs a contract to obtain a service with personalised advertising would not comply with the GDPR. Is consent (with all its limits and issues), therefore, the only possible way? And if so, given the ease with which it can now be denied, how will those services that we have heretofore thought of as free be financed? Or could contract and legitimate interest, remodelled in a different way, be a valid legal basis?

The speakers were:

  • Sebastian BECKER CASTELLARO, EDRi, Policy Advisor
  • Carolina FOGLIA, EDPB Secretariat, Head of Activity for Legal Coordination
  • Natascha GERLACH, CIPL, Director of Privacy & Data Policy
  • Gianclaudio MALGIERI, Brussels Privacy Hub (VUB), Co-Director; Leiden University, Associate Professor


Vincenzo TIANI, Brussels Privacy Hub (VUB), Programme & Dissemination Coordinator